We know that making a decision to report, whether anonymously or otherwise, may be daunting. If you'd like to talk to someone in confidence* before you submit a report, or if you've made a report and want support through the next steps, you can speak to any of the following. They will all listen without judgement and can signpost you to sources of support and information where appropriate. If you decide to submit a report, they can talk you through that process in advance, or while you enter the details yourself online. A Guide on Nexus highlights the people available to assist you including

Wellbeing Advisers are trained volunteers and include both employees and students.

Speak to an HR Adviser - this doesn't automatically formalise anything - you can decide whether to raise a concern formally or informally.

If you're a member, you can speak to a Staff Side representative.

ICR has a range of staff and student associations who can offer networking and peer support. There are also virtual Collaboration Groups on Nexus - click here to see the current list of groups.

You can contact the Spectrum Life Employee Assistance Programme, free and in complete confidence on
Freephone UK: 0808 196 2016
WhatsApp: Text 'Hi' to 07418 360 780
You can also access EAP services via the online wellbeing platform - Register online 

Students can also access a range of resources at Student welfare and wellbeing

If you feel in immediate danger and need support urgently, please speak to a member of HR or Registry,  or a Security colleague or other appropriate person without delay.

If you are suffering a mental health crisis, please contact Samaritans - you don't have to be suicidal.  Call free any time, from any phone on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org. The Samaritans is an organisation that provides 24/7 support to anyone who needs someone to talk to. The charity offers a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way to trained volunteers – about whatever is concerning you.

We aim to treat in confidence all information shared with us and action will not normally be taken without your consent UNLESS:
·       the behaviour you have reported may put you or others at risk of harm, or
·       if it may constitute a criminal offence, or
·       if it relates to potential radicalisation.
In such cases, we may need to report the matter to Security, Site Management or Health and Safety colleagues, to the police, or to the ICR’s Prevent Team under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (CTSA) 2015.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened